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The day TS almost sunk!

In December 2015 Ten Souljers set off to Vancouver Island to perform for one of their most important and loyal corporate clients. The weather was horrendous and it was blowing a gale! On route to Horseshoe Bay a radio report confirmed that there would be no more sailings due to severe weather conditions, so the convoy of Souljers redirected towards Tswwassen terminal. Frantic phone calls to BC Ferries followed. The radio report was incorrect, although there was a chance of cancellation. Confused, stressed and dejected, the crew redirected once again towards Horseshoe Bay. Traffic was diabolical, and we made it by the skin of our teeth!! We were the very last vehicles to be permitted entry under our reservation.

On board the ferry, relieved that we didn't have to pull out of a very big event, we set sail in extremely stormy waters! Walking on board was almost impossible! One man stood up as the ferry rocked towards starboard and he was hurled on top of a young lady who was innocently sitting reading a magazine! Comical if not a little scary! 

We were tossed and thrown around like rag dolls. Huge 10 metre swells made it feel like a long journey! We've never been so happy to set foot in Nanaimo! As usual Ten Souljers blew our audience away with outstanding every, but the feeling of walking on a rocky ferry boat remained with us for the entire evening!

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