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Special Event Bands: How to make your buck bang!

Imagine this scenario. You are planning an event for your most important client. The budget is approved. The hotel is booked. Transportation secured. The catering is nailed down. The salmon pink decor, splendid in it’s effervescence, is duly reserved! Your client has “yin yang” expectations a-plenty and demands the group, well known for it’s demographic diversity, be thoroughly entertained. The prevailing preference is an established, high octane dance band capable of performing many different genres and styles to cater for wide-ranging tastes. Outlined below is a series of vital questions to determine the suitability of such a band.

Most significantly, does the band meet the requirements and expectations of the client?

The client is the boss! It is essential that a band consistently deliver in terms of theme specific elements, such as attire, bumpers, playlist, special requests, as well as timelines, punctuality and performance.

Is the band affordable, or would they be willing to accommodate budget parameters?

Like everything else in life, you get what you pay for! The best event bands charge accordingly for their services. If the client has the financial muscle to afford them, the fee should not be a issue. However, if the budget is thin, most band leaders will compromise somewhat. He/she will be keen to impress an event planner for the sake of a future partnership, and flexibility in relation to the fee is an important pre-requisite. Therefore, the best band for the event should never be discounted based on an assertion that they fall outside the budget range.

Can they perform multiple genres?

Musical diversity is a very key element. Very few bands are as proficient with jazz as they are with rock or country. The best special event bands in the world are equally as competent throughout the genres, and their playlists so reflect. The ability read an audience and adapt their playlist on the fly is also an essential quality of a great band.

Does the band have impressive promotional material?

Pay careful attention to promo. Ask for a video of a live performance. A studio technician worth his/her salt can make any band sound good. A singer who ordinarily sounds like a burning pet shop can be made to sound great with shrewd use of autotune and effects! Watch for audience interaction and appreciation. How enthusiastic are the people on the dance floor? Are they putting the “Oogie” into “Boogie” or are they shuffling around like a hog in the mud, going through the motions of “due diligance”! Any quality event band will inspire an audience and one can be assured that the camera never lies!

How long have the band been performing?

Experience is crucial. The best bands are those that have stood the test of time, and can handle the pressure of a high profile event. The cream always rises to the top! Five years of performing at corporate level is a good, reliable yardstick and represents peace of mind for the otherwise overburdened event planner!

Do they have an impressive previous client list?

The best bands will proudly name their biggest clients in their promotional material and/or website. Testament to quality is when numerous recognisable companies inhabit the list. The band should also have plentiful company headed reviews relating to previous performances.

Scalability. Can the band adapt the configuration to fit the venue/stage/group size?

The bands’ ability to scale up or down is hugely advantageous when it comes to event and venue logistics. They should always have the capacity to make the necessary adjustments.

Do the band perform with consistent energy, and are they the “right fit”?

Let’s face it. Since time immemorial, the most memorable part of any event is the entertainment. A remarkable event can be measured by its’ positive impact on the participants. With the obvious exception of alcohol, the band is the only other catalyst for the break down of social barriers. Identifying a band who take huge pride in performing, create an interactive experience, and can maintain that glorious energy from start to finish, will go a long way towards impressing the guests, keep them happy and create everlasting memories.

Vancouver dance band Ten Souljers are one such special event band that more than satisfy all of the above criteria. This band checks all the boxes and never fails to deliver beyond expectations.

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